Magazines & Newsletters
Browse through our listing of local and state magazines and newsletters, as well as some national publications.
National Homeschooling Publications
Homeschooling Today Magazine
A Christian publication that focuses on offering information on the mechanics of homeschooling, support and encouragement for homeschooling parents, and updates on news and trends that affect the homeschool community. Also features columns by well known homeschooling experts.
Arizona Home Education Journal
The bi-monthly newsletter published by Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE).
Home School Digest
The Home School Digest is a publication with a strong emphasis on a Christian perspective towards homeschooling. Here, you'll find practical tips, simple suggestions and bold biblical challenges that make up an open forum for wrestling through the complex issues that affect homeschooling families.
Home School Books & Business Association
Published by HSB&BA, the Home School Books & Business Association. This trade journal is designed to connect publishers of quality home school prodcuts to the retail market and promote the success of businesses serving the home school community.
Homeschooling Parent Magazine
Launched in 2000, Homeschooling Parent is a bi-monthly publication focusing on stories of interest to homeschooling families, products, and ideas that assist parents teaching their children at home. Individual subscriptions are offered, as well as free group subscriptions for support groups or libraries.
Montessori International
Montessori International is the magazine for all parents and teachers. Montessori International magazine is a high quality colour education magazine with a Montessori focus and a truly child-centred approach. The magazine is for Montessori parents, nursery owners, teachers, and students with an interest in Montessori education.
Homeschooling Horizons
At Homeschooling Horizons Magazine, their goal is very simple: to provide you with the encouragement and tips needed to provide your child with a superior education. Whether you are new to home education or a veteran of many years, Homeschooling Horizons Magazine has what you need. If you are using a traditional curriculum or unschooling your child, the articles, tips, activities and stories are sure to have you nodding in agreement and learning from their varied columnists.
Jewish Home Educator's Network (JHEN) Newsletter
JHEN connects you to Jewish homeschoolers throughout the country and world-wide. It is a quarterly newsletter filled with thought-provoking articles, letters from readers that provide open dialogue on a wide range of interesting topics, mouth-watering recipes, creative holiday and craft ideas, stimulating book reviews, a Jewish calendar chock-full of information and original ideas, help columns with practical how-to advice on homeschooling. It is the only place you'll find the columns "Homeschool Hannah" and "Aunt Rachel's Bookshelf".
Tomorrow's Child: The Magazine for Montessori Parents
Tomorrow's Child magazine offers insights and information that helps parents to feel confident that Montessori will prepare their children for the real world. It will help you understand and appreciate Montessori and apply it in your home.
The Teaching Home
A Christian magazine for home educators, The Teaching Home magazine was founded in 1980 and provides information, inspiration, and support to homeschooling families and Christian homeschool state and national organizations.
The Home School Researcher
This quarterly, refereed, scholarly journal presents basic research on home- and family-based education in areas such as socialization, academic achievement, history, and law. This unique periodical keeps home educators, researchers, and others abreast of the most current factual and theoretical research information available on home education.
Featured Resources
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America's National Parks for Dummies, Second Edition
What makes a trip to a national park so wonderful? For starters, America's national park system is more diverse than any park system in the world. You can stroll the seashore at Olympic National Park in Washington or Cape Cod National Seashore in Massachusetts, climb craggy mountains in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, or go underground into the world's largest cave system at Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky. You can marvel at the largest canyon on Earth (Grand Canyon National Park), ...
But What About Socialization? Answering the Perpetual Home Schooling Question: A Review of the Literature
This book by Dr. Susan A. McDowell uses research, statistics, and the experiences of homeschooling families to answer questions and counter myths about homeschooling and socialization. Read through a discussion of the multiple meanings of socialization, what parents, leaders, and children have to say about the issue, and what the research shows.
Homeschooling 101: A Guide to Getting Started
Homeschooling 101 gives you the steps to help you get started on your homeschool journey. This guide lays out how to get started, choose and gather curriculum, scheduling, organizing your home, and finding the joy in homeschooling. This book is perfect for new homeschoolers who are looking for real help in taking the first step.
Pass Your California DMV Test Guaranteed! 50 Real Test Questions! California DMV Handbook
This book contains the 50 most common questions and answers to the California DMV Written Test. Written by a former DMV classroom instructor and test creator, this straight forward book tells you the most likely questions and answers that will appear on you exam. Typically, at least 70-80% of the questions you encounter will come from these high frequency questions. Pass your test today!
Learning Styles: Reaching Everyone God Gave You to Teach
This book offers helpful and practical strategies about the different ways that kids acquire information and learn, and then use that knowledge. Kids' behavior is often tied to a particular learning style and understanding that fact will help parents respond to their child in ways that decrease frustration and increase success, especially in a homeschooling environment.